Friday, March 3, 2017
Local Green Communities Shine
For those of us who value the health and environmental benefits of reduced energy production emissions today rates as a very good day.
The Baker-Polito Administration announced that additional Massachusetts cities and towns have been designated by the Department of Energy Resources as Green Communities. Two additional communities that I serve, through their dedication in adopting responsible energy policies, have now achieved this special designation – congratulations to North Andover and Rockport.
We recognized the achievement with an event led by Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, Energy & Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew A. Beaton and DOER Commissioner Judith Judson at North Andover at the Town Hall. North Andover, Massachusetts received $169,390 and Rockport, Massachusetts was awarded $148,670. Congratulations to the local officials who worked so diligently to rise to the challenge.
Leadership and action at the municipal level are essential to our state's success in conserving resources and capturing renewable energy. Rockport and North Andover are making an important commitment to our future by becoming Green Communities; their efforts will make a difference for our Commonwealth.
The Green Communities program not only helps cities and towns think about how to be more energy efficient it helps by making investments of grant funds for communities to make smart investment to reduce demand and tap into renewable sources.
The Legislature created the Green Communities Act and challenge cities and towns to meet certain criteria to be designated a Green Community and receive funding. A major component includes reducing municipal energy consumption by 20 percent over five years.