Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Senate Expected to Consider Housing Bond Bill
On Thursday the Massachusetts State Senate will consider a
$1.4 billion housing bond bill, a five-year capital plan for the production and
preservation of housing in the Commonwealth that includes $500 million to
repair and improve public housing, $305 million dedicated to the Affordable
Housing Trust Fund, and $135 million dedicated to the Housing Stabilization and
Investment Trust Fund.
Senators have until 3:00pm today to file amendments to S.1835,
“An Act financing the production and
preservation of housing for low and moderate income residents”. On June 5th, the House of Representatives
passed a version of the bill unanimously by a vote of 148-0.
Posted below is a summary of the Housing Bond bill. To read the text of the bill in its entirety please
click here.
Bond Bill,
Public Housing