Thursday, December 6, 2012
Receiving a Great Honor
On Thursday, November 15th, I was the recipient of the Public Policy Award by North Shore Elder Services. The award, which was presented as part of the 2012 “We Give Thanks” banquet ceremony, is given to those who demonstrate hard work and dedication to seniors.
I am honored to receive such an award from North Shore Elder Services. Working on behalf of the seniors in my district and in the Commonwealth remains one of my top priorities, and I will continue to fight on their behalf to provide the aid and necessary care that they need.
I have sponsored and co-sponsored several pieces of legislation on behalf of the betterment of senior citizens, including;
• an increase of the property tax
exemption from $500 to $1,000;
• an expansion of the Senior
Circuit Breaker Tax Credit that would allow seniors with very limited incomes
to use a special rate of 8 ½%;
• the creation of a senior citizen
safety zone to create a speed limit zone of 20mph near senior housing within a
community; and,
• a study to investigate the
expansion of an ombudsmen program to explore elderly services and complaints of
elderly abuse.
North Shore Elder Services