Friday, June 15, 2012
A. Piatt Andrew Bridge
With the passage of Memorial Day Weekend, the summer season has unofficially begun and while important work will continue, permanent lane restrictions have been eliminated and any temporary lane restrictions will be limited to off-peak hours.
Please click “Read more” to view the latest update from MassDOT. Below are three photos of the bridge’s progress.
Photo showing structural steel repairs to a column.
Photo showing ongoing structural steel repairs to a truss section.
Photo showing ongoing structural steel repairs to a truss section.
Gloucester – Route 128 over the Annisquam River - Project Briefing
June, 2012
Project Description – Gloucester – Route 128 over the Annisquam River bridge rehabilitation - $25.5 million: The project involves the removal and replacement of the wearing surface on the bridge deck along with rehabilitation of the superstructure and portions of the substructure on the bridge carrying Route 128 over the Annisquam River. The project also includes replacement of the sidewalks along with significant structural repairs and repainting of portions of the superstructure. A new wearing surface will be placed on the bridge along with a new median barrier. The existing bridge railing will be refurbished and a suicide deterrent safety screen will be erected along the sidewalk. The project is being constructed by SPS New England, Inc. from Salisbury, MA and the work is being overseen by the MassDOT – Highway Division’s District 4 Office.
Current Project Status - The majority of the work on the top side of the bridge has been completed. In addition to several corrective actions items, the primary elements of work that remain involve cleaning and painting of structural steel elements along with associated structural steel repairs for the main arch. The permanent lane restrictions implemented in each direction of Route 128 in late March to allow necessary structural steel repairs to be completed were removed on May 18th.
The east and west ends of the main span have been cleaned and primed. The contractor is currently completing cleaning and painting operations on portions of the mid span and the east and west approaches.
MassDOT is awaiting the submission of a corrective action plan from the contractor on the necessary alterations to portions of the previously installed bridge expansion joints. A definitive schedule for the corrective action items the contractor must perform has not been approved by MassDOT though it is expected that this work will continue to take place during the remainder of the 2012 construction season. Similar to the ongoing work, these activities are expected to be undertaken using temporary lane restrictions during off peak hours. MassDOT is currently reviewing the extent of the remaining structural steel repairs identified during the detailed field inspection and the associated costs with the FHWA and the design consultant in order to determine the most practical and cost effective method to implement the work. Until a determination is made, the installation of the painted coatings for the upper deck is on hold.
Note: Additional project information and history can be found by visiting MassDOT’s website at: and clicking on the Projects tab, then selecting “Current Road and Bridge Projects” and after entering the City of Gloucester, select Project No. 604797.