Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Votes to Note: Flag Amendment Passes

Yesterday the Senate debated and passed S. 2205, “An Act Relative to Education Reform.” During the debate I offered an amendment to require education about the United States Flag in our schools. Following substantial discussion, the amendment, which was expanded to include curriculum about engagement in the political process, was adopted by a unanimous voice vote. Please click on “Read More” below to view the text of the amendment, which is now part of the bill that moves to the House. Special thanks to Senators Tisei, Hedlund and Brewer for their assistance with this effort.

Flag Instruction

“Chapter 71 of the General Laws is hereby amended in Section 2 by adding after the word “government” the following phrase:- “and a program of relating to the flag of the United States of America, including but not limited to proper etiquette, the correct use and display of the flag, and the importance of participation in the electoral process.”