Friday, August 28, 2009
On the Road for Nelson's Run
Last Sunday saw a tremendous turnout for the 10th annual Nelson’s Run, a charitable event which is dedicated to the memory of Nelson Selig, who was tragically lost in a motorcycle accident in Ipswich.
Since Nelson’s passing, Essex County motorcyclists have emerged from the tragedy with a powerful sense of purpose and relentless energy. Through their efforts motorcycle safety has been advanced, awareness has increased, and allied individuals and organizations have become effective participants in the legislative process.
A major accomplishment is the generation of thousands of dollars first to support Nelson’s family, and now to benefit others through the Motorcyclists’ Survivors Fund, Inc. I have been honored to work with this group for the last 10 years.
Special thanks go to Paul Cote and “Sarge” Komola for their leadership in bringing about a unified constituency that’s earning success.