Friday, October 4, 2024

Tarr In the News 10.1.24

Tarr in the News | 10.1.24

Merrimack River Stakeholders Reconvene at Lowell Waste Water Treatment Plant

Senators Tarr, Ed Kennedy, and Others Reconvene a Broad Array of MA and NH Stakeholders to Discuss Next Steps to Benefit Merrimack River, Stem Episodic Overflows (also known as Combined Sewage Outputs)

On Monday, September 30th, myself and a group of Massachusetts and New Hampshire state legislators, representatives of the Massachusetts and New Hampshire federal legislative delegations, other public officials, and environmental advocates met at the Lowell Wastewater Treatment Plant for a continued discussion around current and potential future initiatives, challenges, technologies, and strategies involved in ongoing efforts to improve the water quality of the Merrimack River, with a particular focus on combined sewer overflows and related effluent discharges into the river.

The visit, hosted by Aaron Fox, Lowell Regional Wastewater Utility Executive Director, provided the opportunity to continue proactive conversations about further steps to benefit the river, which have been steadily gaining momentum over the past several years.