Friday, February 16, 2024
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries discussion in Newburyport
The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Clam
Depuration Plant on Plum Island in the City of Newburyport is an important
resource for the state's soft shell clam industry.
Unfortunately, it has suffered serious damage and the loss
of the wells that supply it with salt water due to coastal erosion.
Yesterday, the Division of Marine Fisheries and the
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife convened public officials
and stakeholders to discuss the future of the plant, and I was pleased to be a
part of that discussion, both on a plant tour in Newburyport and an evening
strategy session at the DMF Annisquam River Marine Station in the City of
Gloucester, MA.
While the challenges associated with the re-opening and
continued operation of the plant are substantial, last night's discussion
clearly moved us forward.
Through that robust conversation, which included DMF
Director Dan McKiernan and DFW Commissioner Tom O' Shea, and several other
state and local officials and industry stakeholders, we were able to consider
several options and begin to chart a course to support those who depend on the