Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Hurricane Lee Update: Emergency Coastal Community Resources

As we continue to monitor Hurricane #Lee, please see below list of resources to help prepare you for the impending storm:

o   CITY OF GLOUCESTER EMERGENCY ALERTS: https://gloucester-ma.gov/384/Emergency-Alerting

o   CITY OF NEWBURYPORT EMERGENCY ALERTS: https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/A4C107CCF3B3

o   TOWN OF ESSEX EMERGENCY ALERTS: https://www.essexma.org/subscribe

o   TOWN OF MANCHESTER-BY-THE-SEA EMERGENCY ALERTS: https://www.manchester.ma.us/761/Stay-Informed

o   TOWN OF NEWBURY EMERGENCY ALERTS: https://www.townofnewbury.org/police-department/faq/what-codered-alert

o   TOWN OF ROCKPORT EMERGENCY ALERTS: https://www.rockportma.gov/board-health/pages/emergency-preparedness

o   TOWN OF SALISBURY EMERGENCY ALERTS: https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/ADE8E3D523BE