Monday, August 15, 2011
31 Initiative Petitions Filed for 2012 Ballot
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts allows citizens to originate an initiative petition for a law on statewide ballots each election cycle. The initiative petition process is established by Amendment Article 48 of the Massachusetts Constitution as a way for citizens of the Commonwealth to propose laws and constitutional amendments for approval by the voting public. An initiative petition for a law may also be used to propose a law seeking to repeal or amend a particular section of an existing law.
This year 31 petitions have been filed for proposed laws or constitutional amendments with Attorney General Martha Coakley’s Office. Of the 31 petitions, 21 were proposed laws for the 2012 ballot and one constitutional amendment was filed for the 2014 ballot. Some initiative petition sponsors submitted more than one version of a petition on the same topic.
To learn more about the basic steps for filing a ballot question, or to learn more about each individual question, please click "read more" below.
The basic steps for a proposed law are:
1. the initiative measure is signed by ten voters and submitted to the Attorney General by the first Wednesday in August (August 3, 2011);
2. the Attorney General determines (usually by the first Wednesday in September, i.e., September 7, 2011) whether the measure meets the requirements of Amendment Article 48;
3. if certified by the Attorney General, the measure is filed with the Secretary of State;
4. thousands of additional voter signatures are gathered (this year, the requirement is 68,911) and filed with local election officials by late November and then with the Secretary of State by the first Wednesday in December;
5. if enough are gathered, the measure is sent to the Legislature in January of 2012;
6. the Legislature either approves or disapproves the measure, proposes a substitute, or takes no action;
7. unless the Legislature has enacted the measure before the first Wednesday in May of 2012, the proponents gather still more signatures (this year, 11,485 signatures are required) by early July;
8. if they gather enough, the measure and any legislative substitute are submitted to the people at the next biennial state election (in this case, November of 2012).
Additional information on the petitions or petition process can be located at on the Attorney General Website. You may access this location by clicking here.
The petitions that were filed with the Attorney General’s Office are as follows:
• 11-01 Initiative Petition for the Right to Cancel an Auto Sale (would provide buyer a 3 day right to cancel an automobile purchase)
• 11-02 Initiative Petition Relative to M.G.L. c. 209A (would repeal the current statute in regard to restraining orders)
• 11-03 Petition for a Constitutional Amendment Relative to the Provision of Health Insurance (affordable health care for all citizens of Massachusetts)
• 11-04 An Initiative Petition To Amend The Current Do Not Call List Law To Regulate Certain Charitable Solicitations (Version A) (amend the current laws in reference to the “Do Not Call List”)
• 11-05 An Initiative Petition To Amend The Current Do Not Call List Law To Regulate Certain Charitable Solicitations (Version B) (amend the current laws in reference to the “Do Not Call List”)
• 11-06 An Initiative Petition To Amend The Current Do Not Call List Law To Regulate Certain Charitable Solicitations (Version C) (amend the current laws in reference to the “Do Not Call List”)
• 11-07 An Initiative Petition To Amend The Current Do Not Call List Law To Regulate Certain Charitable Solicitations (Version D) (amend the current laws in reference to the “Do Not Call List”)
• 11-08 An Initiative Petition To Amend The Current Do Not Call List Law To Regulate Certain Charitable Solicitations (Version E) (amend the current laws in reference to the “Do Not Call List”)
• 11-09 An Initiative Petition To Amend The Current Do Not Call List Law To Regulate Certain Charitable Solicitations (Version F) (amend the current laws in reference to the “Do Not Call List”)
• 11-10 A Petition for a Law Limiting the Amount by which Water and Sewer Rates May be Raised (explanation of rate changes for water and sewer rates within cities and towns)
• 11-11 An Initiative Petition for a Law for the Humanitarian Medical Use of Marijuana (legalizing the use of medical marijuana)
• 11-12 An Initiative Petition for an Act Relative to Death with Dignity (terminally ill patients allowed to die in a humane and dignified manner)
• 11-13 Initiative Petition for a Law to Create a Citizens’ 9/11 Investigation Commission (establishes a commission to investigate the events of September 11, 2001)
• 11-14 Initiative Petition for An Act to Protect Motor Vehicle Owners and Small Businesses in Repairing Motor Vehicles (Version A1) (Right to Repair)
• 11-15 Initiative Petition for An Act to Protect Motor Vehicle Owners and Small Businesses in Repairing Motor Vehicles (Version B1) (Right to Repair)
• 11-16 Initiative Petition for An Act to Protect Motor Vehicle Owners and Small Businesses in Repairing Motor Vehicles (Version C1) (Right to Repair)
• 11-17 Initiative Petition for An Act to Protect Motor Vehicle Owners and Small Businesses in Repairing Motor Vehicles (Version D1) (Right to Repair)
• 11-18 An Initiative Petition for An Act Banning the Use of Certain Socio-Economic Factors for Insurance Underwriting and Rating of Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance (factors in which an insurance policy or rating is administered)
• 11-19 The Whale Safe Fishing Act (whales and sea turtles on the endangered species list)
• 11-20 An Initiative Petition for An Act Promoting Excellence in Public Schools (promoting higher academic standards in schools and school personnel)
• 11-21 An Initiative Petition for An Act Relative to the Presentation of Identification to Vote (voter ID requirements when voting)
• 11-22 Initiative Petition for a Law Relative to Updating the Bottle Bill (bottle deposit)
• 11-23 An Initiative Petition to Repeal the Individual Mandate in the Act Providing Access To Affordable, Quality Health Care (no resident required to purchase health care or be penalized for doing so)
• 11-24 Initiative Petition for an Amendment to a Law Relative Comprehensive Permit and Regional Planning (affordable housing)
• 11-25 An Act to Increase Consumer Convenience and Choice by Permitting Food Stores to Sell Wine (allow the sale of wine in grocery stores)
• 11-26 An Act to Establish Limited Beer and Wine Licenses for Grocery Stores and Supermarkets, Subject to Local Control (local authority to grant beer and wine licenses to grocery stores)
• 11-27 An Initiative Petition for a Law Permitting Casino Gaming in Three Locations in the Commonwealth (expanded gaming in the Commonwealth)
• 11-28 [none; appears to be a Law Relative to Electricity Contracts and Amending the Green Communities Act] (Cape Wind)
• 11-29 An Initiative Petition for a Law Relative to M.G.L. 90, Section 22 (notice of license suspension or revocation)
• 11-30 An Initiative Petition for a Law Relative to M.G.L. 209A (would amend the current statute in regard to restraining orders)
• 11-31 An Initiative Petition for a Law Relative to M.G.L. 272-S-99 (allowing the recording of public officials)